Sunday, 2 December 2012

Thursday, 15 November 2012

It's been a while...

language is annoying me. instead, ambivalence and complexity.... de-connecting the standard meanings of things...
these are from september

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Small Interventions

We are having a very wet summer.
I am thinking about nature again, and about small things, and about Richard Long's work, and about attention to that which is at hand and the non-exceptional. I am also learning about light levels with my macro lens.

Oracle/Soap Dish*

*Perhaps each one of these should have a title that refers to something 'culturally produced', like, Oracle, or, Soap Dish. I'm thinking about the language of titles and what that makes of an image, or brings to the image. The relationship of nouns to phenomena. What comes first, the noun or the thing?


Closet/Electrical Device
Participant/Car Seat

Rushes/Flight Attendant


Wharf/Beach Ball

Mammal/Safety Cover




Saturday, 2 June 2012

In the garden.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012