Common sense and a sense of humour are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humour is just common sense, dancing.
14 July 2014
Watching swifts far
above me, against a hazy blue sky. It is early morning and this blue
sky is a sign of a beautiful day to come.
Swifts, tumbling,
soaring. Their flight is elating. They fly so high that they come in
and out of my range of vision, sometimes they're there, sometimes
they're not. Tiny tumbling black spots in my eye. When they're closer
I can see the crescent arc of their wings.
When they're gone my
eyes are searching and the tiny shapes of stuff on my eye and the
imaginary residue of stuff in my eye and on my brain become visible
in the searching, against a blue sky. Barely discernible shapes and
fuzzy motions that I may or may not have invented. Tiny shapes moving
in my eyes, tumbling and elating in their freedom and flight, and the
flight of the swifts blur with my own looking – all that activity.
Swifts of and in my eyes, my flight with them.
There's nothing passive
about seeing.