Tuesday 7 July 2009


It's really hot here. Hot in a sticky mosquito-bitten irritating and grubby kind of way. I'm not coping very well.

I want to put something up though just to keep momentum. This image is a favourite from my recent trek down the Samaria Gorge. I want to write/post more about it later but the effort to concentrate is beyond me right now.


  1. your picture would make a beautiful abstract painting- all those plays of light, shadow and shapes.
    I feel your pain about the heat. Everyday for the last month or so it has been around 104/105. By the time the middle of the day arrives, the sun feels as if it is trying to split you in two. my way of coping- waking up extra early before it gets too crazy. Naps in the day.
    Have an amazing time in your last days in Greece- what an incredible place to be.

  2. Funny you should say it but I felt the painterly side to this image too and have been musing on the possibility of returning to some painting... :)
