Wednesday 7 July 2010

Work Lines II (continuous update)


The sensitive object
Empiricism vs. Conceptualism


out of this an -No Theory
experiential mode
of DOING art emerges.

Representing the non-representable through the transformation of painting, through the mystery of the process of painting making real the mystery of the object (Idea or otherwise) itself. And visa versa...
Art being the act, the simple narrative of how it works.


Rationalism being a cognition of dead objects.
Living is deligitimised.
What would be the affinities between existences?
Wielding the critical axe - scything through the problem to pit the various conditions of the concept, question, problem against itself. Re-forming or reconfiguring the problem to produce a new object.

I am like a weather vane.

Where J. stands in for the cynic
<—> making both ways. All experiences, events, people, things like tokens, signs, symbols, for the meaning we have associated with them/it. For our own universe/service. Works both ways —> what happens as this tokenography works the other way?
Empty ourselves out from centre of universe - we are locus for other peoples!

David B. Smith
Charlotte Street

laura douglas

Georges Braque
Bottle and Fishes, 1910-2

At losing ones job:
raw despair
at the primordial fear at prospect
of not being able
to support oneself,
elated at the
promise of new beginnings,
new chances, new
opportunities. Maybe
things'll get better!
Sick of this place
Brutal anger at the
injustice of it all.
How has this been
allowed to happen?


the biscuits

The Overlap Series: Jogger
(with comic event)

The Emancipatory.

Carly Simon
What's the rule?
(internalising the law/s)

Colouring my mind
Romanticism w/ its
cheap promise of c o m p l e t i o n

plays itself out at my mercy

Imagine, being given edifaces and abysses with our
birth and box of characteristics. The abyss we carry and on the other side of the cut
lies All That We Cannot See. All That We Cannot See - our blindnesses, our abjects, our beasts.
We cannot see them. They look like merky areas
of unseeing.
They unleash themselves on all that we encounter, colouring our perceptions, unknown to us.
Our neighbours,
the other beings we come into contact with can see,
they see our blindnesses, they make form
from what we don't delimit. Their eyes and their
powers make things out of our unseeing and give them back to us as real life encounters, the incidences, the bus stop chats with strangers, the friend round for tea, the kiss, the supermarket queue.

Other people see out blindnessess.

Bird song anchor points
To elevate
Come back to
Feel your periphery again
Feel your edge.

John Buckens

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